I finished that plumbing project. Nothing like necessity to speed things up, eh? I've now snaked the drain a few times and it appears happier. One of these days I should probably get a real plumber in here to auger the whole underground pipe. But why pay for something now that I can to get much worse later?!?
Well I had a pretty uneventful week up until Thursday night when my mom and Holly flew in. We hung out for the whole weekend and it was fun. Emily and I introduced them to Top Gear and they thought it was hilarious, as all real human beings should. We ate lots of yummy food. We went to Ackbar's for dinner Friday night (their first Indian food, I believe). We ate at Red Canoe for lunch on Saturday, Indian food (leftovers) for dinner Saturday. Sunday we amazingly got up the energy to go into DC, walk to Georgetown from the Foggy Bottom metro stop, explore the cozy expensive neighborhoods, and went to Dumbarton Oaks (definitely a worthwhile trip, especially during flowering season). After that we had some much needed ice cream based food-like things. Then we stopped at Metro Center and ate at Chef Geoff's again. Sadly mom thought the bun on her crab cake was stale, which was certainly very disappointing. I ordered the same thing I did last time (basically Indian-style chicken) and it was just as good.
Didn't do much in the way of work or exercise by virtue of all these things.
Last Friday I had appointment with Dr. Kasamon (just a regular one). Mom and Holly came along. I was going to have them sit in with me, but he was running unusually late by 10:30AM so I decided against it, he came out and said hello at the very end though, so at least they know what he looks like or something. Another reason is that I didn't want crazy questions from mom getting in the way of my pre-prepared list of questions and concerns. My mom had pointed out (first thing upon seeing me at the airport) that one of my pupils was hugely dilated compared to the other. That's generally not good and nobody has ever pointed it out to me nor have I ever noticed it myself. But it's definitely true. So Friday Dr. Kasamon had me go to a STAT brain MRI. (MRIs are neat). Apparently there isn't anything seriously wrong. At least no masses or edema or blood clots. I haven't seen the MRI report yet so don't know if contains any other little notes. I have persistent headaches that occur right behind my right eye (the screwy pupil one), nosebleeds in my right nose, and earaches in my right ear. Something seems fishy. I kind of thought it was some kind of new found allergy, which maybe it is. I am going to see a neurologist recommended by Dr. Kasamon some time though, so maybe we will sort out my crazy brain.
I had another treatment on Monday. I didn't feel too hot at first, but not too bad. I slept marginally better than the week before. My brain wasn't running at a million miles an hour, but I kept waking up some rather bad acid reflux which is quite painful. I still haven't quite mastered the right cocktail of drugs to try and bring that under control. Then I just felt awful for all of Tuesday. I can't put my finger on it, but it wasn't right. I had a big headache and my stomach just felt bad. I took an Ativan (along with an Aspirin) before bedtime and I slept like a baby. I feel pretty good right now.
I put a feeler out to Pat to see if he wanted to do something this weekend. I kind of want to do something outside involving hiking and/or camping. I was looking at kayak stuff too. Emily seems pretty keen on kayaks though I've never really been in one. Not sure we want to blow a substantial amount of money on yet another hobby that we'll indulge in once in a blue moon ;) Though I think hiking might be all we accomplish (this weekend at least). Biking would be good too, but I'm the only person with a bike so meh.
We're back in St. Augustine from August 8th through August 16th. We're certainly looking forward to it!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
So another week has gone by. It was a chemo week. I had fewer side effects this time around than before. I still couldn't sleep very well on Monday night and had some pretty bad stomach acid in spite of the Protonix. I actually suspect it is the Aloxi (anti-nausea) that is giving me the most problems. I don't think I really need it but they seem to continue to think so. I will discuss it with Dr. Kasamon at my next appointment. I slept a decent bit on Tuesday and didn't feel so hot, primarily thanks to the night before. Wednesday I had the port out and, well, that was about it. The hand and foot syndrome was not as bad this time around as last.
We still don't have any furniture for our porch and Emily is getting a tad cranky about it. I'm not paying $100 to have $120 worth of flat-pack furniture delivered though. We are both sitting out on the hammock now. Emily is reading a book and I am obviously on the laptop.
Still no forward progress on that workbench.
Wednesday night we ate at Akbar's, an Indian restaurant in Columbia. The food was excellent. I never knew I liked Indian food so much. Our server guy was hilarious but I think he forgot we were there for a while. I was in no hurry so I didn't care. There were very few people there.
Saturday we did absolutely nothing. We never started the cars, which was a nice change. Emily weeded and generally kept her gardens, I mowed the lawn. We both worked out later that night too. I've got some sore muscles around my dorsal area.
Today Emily went out to the barn and rode Addy and I went with her. But this time I brought my bike along and went for a ride from there. I have never explored out that way before so it was an adventure. I did a nice little 13 mile loop that wasn't overly hilly but plenty to give me a workout today. I'm pretty sure there is just no substitute for getting on a bike and doing hills. Lifting weights and cross training just doesn't equate. I can do 3 sets of whatever quad exercises, but climbing one hill I must do the equivalent of a 100 reps. It was a good ride. I felt stronger already than the week before. I also passed a house whose owner must be a Ham Radio guy because he had literally the biggest antenna field I have ever seen before. There were like 7 towers and at least 14 antennas. And the towers were not short. I wish I had taken a picture with my cell phone. Another time perhaps.
After we got home and cleaned up we went to Scittino's for some super yummy pizza. We skipped Opie's this time. But we did get some lunch meat for the week and Emily bought some canolis and canoli filling (her original reason for wanting to go).
Mom and Holly come up for a short visit this week. We'll be no doubt gorging ourselves on yummy food since it's about the only thing Emily and I know how to do.
edit: we have this annoying drain in our basement (for the kitchen sink and the utility sink in the basement and hence the washing machine as well) that clogs up. I have a snake and it has worked like a charm in the past, but there is no easy access so I have to disassemble things to get the snake in. I bought the PVC to put a snake entrance in, but haven't actually put the PVC in yet. I might do it tonight because it's clogged up again.
Also here are some pictures from recently:
Getting ready to ride out at the barn; notice the scrawny legs.
Off I go!
This isn't from this weekend but is typical weekend behavior for me. Notice Squirrely slumbering as well.
We still don't have any furniture for our porch and Emily is getting a tad cranky about it. I'm not paying $100 to have $120 worth of flat-pack furniture delivered though. We are both sitting out on the hammock now. Emily is reading a book and I am obviously on the laptop.
Still no forward progress on that workbench.
Wednesday night we ate at Akbar's, an Indian restaurant in Columbia. The food was excellent. I never knew I liked Indian food so much. Our server guy was hilarious but I think he forgot we were there for a while. I was in no hurry so I didn't care. There were very few people there.
Saturday we did absolutely nothing. We never started the cars, which was a nice change. Emily weeded and generally kept her gardens, I mowed the lawn. We both worked out later that night too. I've got some sore muscles around my dorsal area.
Today Emily went out to the barn and rode Addy and I went with her. But this time I brought my bike along and went for a ride from there. I have never explored out that way before so it was an adventure. I did a nice little 13 mile loop that wasn't overly hilly but plenty to give me a workout today. I'm pretty sure there is just no substitute for getting on a bike and doing hills. Lifting weights and cross training just doesn't equate. I can do 3 sets of whatever quad exercises, but climbing one hill I must do the equivalent of a 100 reps. It was a good ride. I felt stronger already than the week before. I also passed a house whose owner must be a Ham Radio guy because he had literally the biggest antenna field I have ever seen before. There were like 7 towers and at least 14 antennas. And the towers were not short. I wish I had taken a picture with my cell phone. Another time perhaps.
After we got home and cleaned up we went to Scittino's for some super yummy pizza. We skipped Opie's this time. But we did get some lunch meat for the week and Emily bought some canolis and canoli filling (her original reason for wanting to go).
Mom and Holly come up for a short visit this week. We'll be no doubt gorging ourselves on yummy food since it's about the only thing Emily and I know how to do.
edit: we have this annoying drain in our basement (for the kitchen sink and the utility sink in the basement and hence the washing machine as well) that clogs up. I have a snake and it has worked like a charm in the past, but there is no easy access so I have to disassemble things to get the snake in. I bought the PVC to put a snake entrance in, but haven't actually put the PVC in yet. I might do it tonight because it's clogged up again.
Also here are some pictures from recently:

edit 2: I started working on the pipes, cut one in half and then realized I only have CPVC cement and this pipe is PVC. *sigh* Going to Lowe's first thing in the morning to buy the right cement and put it all back together permanently. Also, the reason it clogged is because the new lint traps we (were) using on the washing machine suck and were letting a ton of lint down the drain, so it all piled up and there is presumably some really nasty ball of crap about four feet down the pipe. I got it opened up to some degree I believe with the snake.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Three (six?) day weekend
It was a three day weekend (Friday) off. Maybe it's a six day weekend for me, though I'm not inclined to count M-W of this week as vacation.
Friday we didn't do a whole lot. I went for a bike ride, first one since the stent came out.
Saturday we had a 4th of July party/BBQ thing. Pat and Minh Chau came, as did Trevor and Dave. We've never had that many people over at once. It was nice to have people over. We're basically shut-ins the other 90% of the time. We had all sorts of food that my mother and sister wouldn't approve of. There were shrimp, a flank steak, hamburgers, and franks. I was the only one who ate franks because I wasn't really all about the rest. I hear it was good, though! Minh Chau is very good at cooking things. She was in charge of the shrimp (which I did have a few of) and the steak, which came out a lot better than the hamburgers which I was in charge of. It was good fun though. Amazingly Emily didn't take any pictures though, so nothing to share graphically!
Dave brought over his extra software-defined HF radio, the FlexRadio SDR-1000. I've got a stack of cables and stuff now. I need to fashion an antenna. I'm thinking a T2FD antenna, or perhaps an inverted V/sloper. I also need to open my computer up and install a card and get a bunch of software installed and working first. Dunno when I'll finally get around to doing all of that! I also am not allowed to transmit since I've never bothered to upgrade my Ham license above Technician. I've been reading the question pool for the General class exam so I'll probably take it at some point in the future. Then Dave and I can talk to each other without the use of any infrastructure, even though we only live about 30 miles away from each other ;)
John is a guy that I've never met, but Emily met his wife at a yarn store and it came out that both of their husbands are young and have colon cancer. He has a blog which I have been following. He's been dealing with it longer than I have, and his had metastasized to his lungs (and maybe some other stuff as well). I think I will have to do without dairy and start Xeloda eventually because I can't really return to a somewhat "normal" life if I have to spend half of every other Monday getting infusions and then haul a pump around for 2 more days, then go in and get it removed. Unless I take up working on Saturdays, I'll never be able to work full time again.
I wouldn't say that it was particularly painful (other than the last 2 seconds of it) having the stent removed. It was just very uncomfortable and after 10 minutes of it you get all jittery. My urinary tract has returned to normal though.
On Sunday Emily and I walked the #9 Trolley Trail from Catonsville to Ellicott City and ate lunch at the Bean Hollow. Then we went home and both of us didn't feel all that well. She thinks she is sick. I just didn't feel good. Later that day I went out for another bike ride.
As to bike riding, wow, I've lost a lot of muscle. I pretty much lost most of the muscle in my legs and I especially feel it in my quads. On Friday I did about 15 miles and on Sunday about 8. Both times I averaged about 13 MPH, a cadence of 75, and a heart rate of about 150. My average heart rate is about 15 bpm higher than what I used to consider normal. Which is problematic because my max heart rate is about 178, so I don't have all that much wiggle room between maximum exertion and average. Aerobic fitness will decrease average heart rate though, so hopefully in time it goes back down. I also discovered that I just don't have any leg muscle every time I hit a hill. It wasn't so much an issue of being tired as it was just not having the strength to do it. Oh well, just have to stay at it. I remember it wasn't that long ago that I couldn't get up most of the hills around here thanks to my weak Florida legs!
I'm sitting at COHA now getting my infusions. It's a blast. I have all the wood I need, mostly, to make a big workbench. I just haven't bothered to build it yet. I also need to put in some outlets in the basement. I haven't done this yet either. I must have several hundred dollars of stuff just sitting around unused because I never feel like putting in the effort to utilizing it.
Friday we didn't do a whole lot. I went for a bike ride, first one since the stent came out.
Saturday we had a 4th of July party/BBQ thing. Pat and Minh Chau came, as did Trevor and Dave. We've never had that many people over at once. It was nice to have people over. We're basically shut-ins the other 90% of the time. We had all sorts of food that my mother and sister wouldn't approve of. There were shrimp, a flank steak, hamburgers, and franks. I was the only one who ate franks because I wasn't really all about the rest. I hear it was good, though! Minh Chau is very good at cooking things. She was in charge of the shrimp (which I did have a few of) and the steak, which came out a lot better than the hamburgers which I was in charge of. It was good fun though. Amazingly Emily didn't take any pictures though, so nothing to share graphically!
Dave brought over his extra software-defined HF radio, the FlexRadio SDR-1000. I've got a stack of cables and stuff now. I need to fashion an antenna. I'm thinking a T2FD antenna, or perhaps an inverted V/sloper. I also need to open my computer up and install a card and get a bunch of software installed and working first. Dunno when I'll finally get around to doing all of that! I also am not allowed to transmit since I've never bothered to upgrade my Ham license above Technician. I've been reading the question pool for the General class exam so I'll probably take it at some point in the future. Then Dave and I can talk to each other without the use of any infrastructure, even though we only live about 30 miles away from each other ;)
John is a guy that I've never met, but Emily met his wife at a yarn store and it came out that both of their husbands are young and have colon cancer. He has a blog which I have been following. He's been dealing with it longer than I have, and his had metastasized to his lungs (and maybe some other stuff as well). I think I will have to do without dairy and start Xeloda eventually because I can't really return to a somewhat "normal" life if I have to spend half of every other Monday getting infusions and then haul a pump around for 2 more days, then go in and get it removed. Unless I take up working on Saturdays, I'll never be able to work full time again.
I wouldn't say that it was particularly painful (other than the last 2 seconds of it) having the stent removed. It was just very uncomfortable and after 10 minutes of it you get all jittery. My urinary tract has returned to normal though.
On Sunday Emily and I walked the #9 Trolley Trail from Catonsville to Ellicott City and ate lunch at the Bean Hollow. Then we went home and both of us didn't feel all that well. She thinks she is sick. I just didn't feel good. Later that day I went out for another bike ride.
As to bike riding, wow, I've lost a lot of muscle. I pretty much lost most of the muscle in my legs and I especially feel it in my quads. On Friday I did about 15 miles and on Sunday about 8. Both times I averaged about 13 MPH, a cadence of 75, and a heart rate of about 150. My average heart rate is about 15 bpm higher than what I used to consider normal. Which is problematic because my max heart rate is about 178, so I don't have all that much wiggle room between maximum exertion and average. Aerobic fitness will decrease average heart rate though, so hopefully in time it goes back down. I also discovered that I just don't have any leg muscle every time I hit a hill. It wasn't so much an issue of being tired as it was just not having the strength to do it. Oh well, just have to stay at it. I remember it wasn't that long ago that I couldn't get up most of the hills around here thanks to my weak Florida legs!
I'm sitting at COHA now getting my infusions. It's a blast. I have all the wood I need, mostly, to make a big workbench. I just haven't bothered to build it yet. I also need to put in some outlets in the basement. I haven't done this yet either. I must have several hundred dollars of stuff just sitting around unused because I never feel like putting in the effort to utilizing it.
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