Monday, July 6, 2009

Three (six?) day weekend

It was a three day weekend (Friday) off. Maybe it's a six day weekend for me, though I'm not inclined to count M-W of this week as vacation.

Friday we didn't do a whole lot. I went for a bike ride, first one since the stent came out.

Saturday we had a 4th of July party/BBQ thing. Pat and Minh Chau came, as did Trevor and Dave. We've never had that many people over at once. It was nice to have people over. We're basically shut-ins the other 90% of the time. We had all sorts of food that my mother and sister wouldn't approve of. There were shrimp, a flank steak, hamburgers, and franks. I was the only one who ate franks because I wasn't really all about the rest. I hear it was good, though! Minh Chau is very good at cooking things. She was in charge of the shrimp (which I did have a few of) and the steak, which came out a lot better than the hamburgers which I was in charge of. It was good fun though. Amazingly Emily didn't take any pictures though, so nothing to share graphically!

Dave brought over his extra software-defined HF radio, the FlexRadio SDR-1000. I've got a stack of cables and stuff now. I need to fashion an antenna. I'm thinking a T2FD antenna, or perhaps an inverted V/sloper. I also need to open my computer up and install a card and get a bunch of software installed and working first. Dunno when I'll finally get around to doing all of that! I also am not allowed to transmit since I've never bothered to upgrade my Ham license above Technician. I've been reading the question pool for the General class exam so I'll probably take it at some point in the future. Then Dave and I can talk to each other without the use of any infrastructure, even though we only live about 30 miles away from each other ;)

John is a guy that I've never met, but Emily met his wife at a yarn store and it came out that both of their husbands are young and have colon cancer. He has a blog which I have been following. He's been dealing with it longer than I have, and his had metastasized to his lungs (and maybe some other stuff as well). I think I will have to do without dairy and start Xeloda eventually because I can't really return to a somewhat "normal" life if I have to spend half of every other Monday getting infusions and then haul a pump around for 2 more days, then go in and get it removed. Unless I take up working on Saturdays, I'll never be able to work full time again.

I wouldn't say that it was particularly painful (other than the last 2 seconds of it) having the stent removed. It was just very uncomfortable and after 10 minutes of it you get all jittery. My urinary tract has returned to normal though.

On Sunday Emily and I walked the #9 Trolley Trail from Catonsville to Ellicott City and ate lunch at the Bean Hollow. Then we went home and both of us didn't feel all that well. She thinks she is sick. I just didn't feel good. Later that day I went out for another bike ride.

As to bike riding, wow, I've lost a lot of muscle. I pretty much lost most of the muscle in my legs and I especially feel it in my quads. On Friday I did about 15 miles and on Sunday about 8. Both times I averaged about 13 MPH, a cadence of 75, and a heart rate of about 150. My average heart rate is about 15 bpm higher than what I used to consider normal. Which is problematic because my max heart rate is about 178, so I don't have all that much wiggle room between maximum exertion and average. Aerobic fitness will decrease average heart rate though, so hopefully in time it goes back down. I also discovered that I just don't have any leg muscle every time I hit a hill. It wasn't so much an issue of being tired as it was just not having the strength to do it. Oh well, just have to stay at it. I remember it wasn't that long ago that I couldn't get up most of the hills around here thanks to my weak Florida legs!

I'm sitting at COHA now getting my infusions. It's a blast. I have all the wood I need, mostly, to make a big workbench. I just haven't bothered to build it yet. I also need to put in some outlets in the basement. I haven't done this yet either. I must have several hundred dollars of stuff just sitting around unused because I never feel like putting in the effort to utilizing it.


  1. Hello, Ryan! How did the treatment go this time? Hope you're feeling okay. I really have admired your spunk through all this. I went to read Sco's blog and saw how you gave encouragement to him. It shows your big heart. And I felt you were giving something of yourself that you have earned as a wonderful being on this earth. I call it 'Emptying your Cup' ... you know ... it fills up and sometimes you need to spill some out to someone else so you can fill it up again.

    As for the biking ... it sounds like you need to cross train and help those muscles with a variety of movement. It really will help build those quads back up correctly ... might help avoid injury. I think you have something lurking in your basement that might help.

    Ahhh ... a wooden workbench!!! It brings back favorite memories of Papa Blink's workbench in Lake Worth and in Pompano Beach. I used to follow him around the Pompano Beach garage when he worked on his bench. I would follow him until he'd grumble, but later I learned to not let his grumbling bother me and I'd return for another look. Much later I just laughed it off and stuck around. I sure learned a lot by watching my Dad on that workbench.

    So you have a lot of irons in the fire. That's okay because you seem to at least know which ones you need to pay attention to next. I hope you can juggle your time to build the wooden workbench. That would be so cool!

    Love, Laurie ... hi Emily!!!

  2. I'm glad you got to do a little outdoor-fun for the 4th AND on your bike (although perhaps the bike isn't really "fun" just yet).

    And as far as the leg strength for the hills goes... Welcome to my world, Ryan, welcome to my world.....

    Less then a week 'til I see you & Emily!!

  3. Dear Ryan,

    So you decided to stay out of DC for the 4th of July festivities? Good call. Having people over to your home is more fun anyway. I used to love to entertain at home. Don't do much of that anymore.

    Holy and I had a nice weekend. We went to a party the Friday before the 4th. It was a house on Biven's Lake. Folk musicians gather there each year. We walked around and listened to all the different groups. Heather Christian was there, which was a wonderful surprise. We also ate at a new oriental restaurant called Merlion(?). We ate tofu and vegetable Thai dishes.

    This weekend, Holly and I went to The Top restaurant. We enjoyed two vegetarian dishes. Unlike you, I can't recall the ingredients, so you wont get a description. After that we went to the Hippodrome Theater and saw a musical. It was called something, something, in a Trailer Park. I can't remember the exact title. God, I'm terrible with details! It was corny, but cute. Saturday we went to Micanopy and cruised the antique shops. We has lunch at a cafe and listened to an acoustic guitarist. I had a stuffed tomato and Holly had a veggie wrap. We followed that with a cup of ice cream. We ate outside on the wrap around porch of a Victorian home. It was a beautiful, if hot, day.

    We will see you on Thursday, and if you're interested, Holly can provide the missing details to our weekend excursions.

    I Love You,
