Sunday, May 24, 2009

Excellent news

I had my mid-term PET/CT results on Friday. It showed a complete response to chemotherapy, meaning that they see no traces at all of disease on the scan. There is no noticeable lymph adenopathy or anything else. This is, literally, the best news I could have possibly received. It doesn't mean that I don't still have cancer. But it is still the best news one can get.

There is talk of stopping chemotherapy early and moving me to "maintenance". What this really means is just stopping Irinotecan and only doing 5-FU and possibly Avastin. 5-FU is available orally in a brand-name drug called Xeloda. That is nice because 5-FU is the injection that requires the 48 hour pump. I might stay on Avastin as well which will require infusions still, but that's okay. Supposedly Irinotecan is the big side effect producer (except Avastin causes me nose bleeds and a bit of GI bleeding too). So overall quality of life should improve.

Dr. Kasamon is going to consult with Dr. Diaz and Johns Hopkins (whom I saw at the beginning of this ) and Dr. Van Echo at his practice (another well regarding colorectal cancer guy). They will hatch some plan as to what they think the best course of action is. There isn't a whole lot of clinical evidence that clearly shows what one should do in a situation like this. It's not often to find someone have a complete response half way through, apparently. I like that Dr. Kasamon is going to do that of his own accord and I think that with the experience between the three of them they will make the right decision, whatever that may be.

I also talked to Dr. Fenig, my urologist, on Thursday. He thinks that I should have my stent removed in the near future (like whenever we can get the appointment scheduled). He saw the PET/CT as well and thinks the best thing is to take it out and see if anything bad happens with my kidney (which hopefully there won't be). So that's more good news.

Overall this was a good week for me.

Also Emily and I are being spontaneous today. Last night at 11:00PM we decided we were going to go out to Cumberland (2.5 hours west in very Western Maryland) and take a historic stream train to Frostburg and back. Then we'll probably spend the night in Cumberland or the surrounding area. The train leaves at 11:30AM today, which means we need to be out of here by 8:30AM. So I'm going to stop typing and get a move on.


  1. Ryan,
    I couldn't be more excited for you two!!! How increible!!!
    I hope you two have a WONDERFUL both certainly deserve a long-awaited trip!!!!
    Love and Hugs!!!! Jill-Mom

  2. Ryan and Emily,

    We are Sooooooooo happy for you guys. Your mother was here this weekend and after she talked with you on the phone, she delivered the good news to us. We toasted to you guys all weekend. I guess all that POSITIVE ENERGEY you have had and all the rest of us did pay off (I believe there was some good old fashion praying going on there too).
    This truly is just the best news we could ever imagine to receive. I'm sure all those doctors will put their medical brains together and come up with the right treatment for you from here.
    Glad you and Emily are venturing out for a little trip. I'm also sure you both need it.
    Keep sending all the good news.
    You guys take care of each other and stay well.

  3. Ryan this is excellent news! I hope you and Emily enjoy (or did enjoy if you are back already) your well deserved trip!

    Email from me incoming!

    Exclamation point!11!!!1one!!!

  4. Hi Ryan,

    Mom shared the good news with me Sunday morning just as the leader for our women's ministry was walking by. I stopped her and shared the good news with her and she in turn shared the news with more people.

    Yes, there have been a LOT of people praying for you. I would never claim to know how God works, but I know He has a plan for all of us - through the good and the bad.

    I love you guys and hope you thoroughly enjoyed your train ride. What a fun thing to do!!


  5. You truly made it a wonderful celebration for us. I've never seen your mother actually shine so much. You have been a trooper and your positive attitude has been great. I believe all those prayers have been heard. You and Emily enjoy yourselves. You deserve it.

    Love You,

  6. Though I do believe in the poswer of positive thinking, I know you aren't really into that "prayer" type thinking. So I'm just gonna say your body kicked some ASS on that cancer! I don't know what did it, but just so long as it happened, I'm not gonna question it.

    Asparagus juice?????

    HaPpY DaNcE!!!!!

  7. Dear Ryan,

    I have been in euphoria since your news. I am so thankful to whoever/whatever made this happen. I've shared the news with friends, and well wishes are pouring in for you and Emily. I am looking forward to celebrating with you both this summer.

    I clicked on the train tour. I think it was a wonderful idea to go. It looks beautiful. I hope it was a second honeymoon (Did you ever have a first??).

    Now let’s get that stent out, so you can start riding your bike again. I hope they stop the Irinotecan on your next treatment, and the pill form of 5-FU works. That will mean your life will be almost back to “normal”. I love you. I love Emily too. Oh Hell, I love the whole world!

    Drink Your Asparagus Juice,
