Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend over

Emily's mom and sister went home today. It was fun seeing them. Emily's mom has an amazing amount of energy. I have no idea where it comes from. She must have some small scale fusion reactor or something inside of her.

I have been really really tired after this treatment. I mentioned this in the last post, but it has persisted up to today. I did go out most days with Emily and family, but it's not like I was doing all that much. I've taken a multi-hour nap I think every day so far.

I'm going to work tomorrow, we'll see how long I stay. I'll be happy with half a day at this point I think. Maybe I'll bring a pillow and blanket and go find a spot behind some computer racks to take a nap or something. I'm usually feeling pretty chipper after I get some more rest.

I never did call that guy about a miter saw, but I do need to get one because I can't put up that fluorescent light until I cut from 2x4s to mount it to the ceiling joists. I also want to trace some electrical circuits, but I'm not clear on how to do it without leaving the breakers on. I'm not all about electrocuting myself, but I can't see how you can trace the way a circuit is wired if there isn't any voltage on it. I suppose I could disconnect the breaker, sever the circuits and connect 9V batteries or something to them. But that's a lot of work! I'd rather just be "careful" and try not to electrocute myself. I need to make another trip to Lowe's to spend more money on random electrical doodads too. You can never have too many doodads.


  1. Dear Ryan,

    Ahh yes, doodads and Lowes. What a great way to spend an afternoon. I had fun this weekend as well. Went to the Shrimp/Pirate Fest in Fernandina. John, Candice, and I met Tom and Fatima at a place called Karriboos. They brew their own beer, have great food, and we had a table under the trees with live music. We were right next to the bass player, which of course made us all think of you.

    I hope I'll be able to keep up when Jill comes to visit me. I'll have to build up my endurance.

    Your lack of energy is not surprising. I suppose it is going to continue to be a problem until you are done with the treatments. Each time you are bombarded by the poisons that are pumped into you, it must just shock the hell out of your entire system. I hope it doesn't get worse. As far as naps at work, go for it. I don't think you need to hide. Everyone will understand. That way you will have the energy to stay the day and get your work done. Have a good week. I love you.


  2. Hope you had a great visit with Emily's mom and sister. It was great that they were able to visit. Should find a way to tap into Emily's mom energy source, you sure sound like you could use it.
    Hopefully you were able to function at work without stealing away behind those computer racks.
    Tracing those electrical circuits in a house that was wired with no ryme or reason can be tricky. Understand the issue and you are right, you got to be cafeful. Never thought about the 9 volt battery trick. I usually just go with the live circuit and read them out with a meter, but again "Careful" is the key. Used to wear rubber gloves in the Navy when reading out live circuits.
    Hope you are having a better week and glad you are past the half way point of treatment.
    Lowes is the best place to find Doodads. I can always use more Doodads.
    Take care and keep the faith man.

  3. Hey Ryan,
    Cannot tell you how wonderful it was to see you and Emily. You are doing so well, and you look good!!!! I just LOVE going to the Sheep and Wool Festival...and I'm so thankful that you guys live where you do!!!!! Keep those kitties fat and happy........\
    Speaking of energy!!!! (I think it's the lack of humidity and being around you guys)!! I've been taking LONG naps since I've been home. It's back to work tomorrow..hope you had a good day at work and have a fun weekend!Love and Hugs to both of you Jill XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO

  4. Hi Ryan and Emily,

    Aren't family visits just the best? I'm so glad you had an eventful weekend. I would love to meet Jill and your sister.

    Being tired is part of the healing process. You can't compare it to being tired before this ordeal. It'll change again. Bringing a pillow for work naps is not a bad idea. Maybe you will need something very comfortable that will help you bridge the gap of fatique and work. Rig something up. Like your mother said ... everybody understands.

    So the nice weather should be pretty much warming up your home by now. I hate to imagine how cold your home gets. Good thing spring is finally here. Happy Spring!!!

    Love, Laurie

  5. I was tied today at work & I kept thinking, "Hmmm... What if I just brought a pillow & blankie & spent my lunch break sleeping????" I swear, if I ever have to go through chemo, I'm going to end up sleeping through the whole dang thing. I just love sleep so darn much....

    It's taken me awhile to write on this one because it just seemed like everything I thought of to write was so... I dunno, boring? I figured by now you'd have to be tired, I have no good advice beyond "sleep," ESPECIALLY since you feel better afterward. I think that speaks volumes. I remember in high school when you used to fall asleep when you got home for hours. You HATED how you felt when you got up. If these naps make you feel better, you must need them in a good, healing sort of way. Then I was trying to decide what to say about circuits, but who am I kidding? I know as much about circuits as I do... Well, most of the stuff you know about. We definitely have different areas of knowledge. That's why I think of you as my walking encyclopedia... You know all the stuff I don't but wish I did. Just reading about your description of the circuit problem makes me feel smarter:)

    Hope you've been able to have a somewhat productive few days... And restful.

    Love & hugs!
