Monday, March 2, 2009

First day of chemo

Today was the first day of chemotherapy for me. It didn't go so great. I don't know what exactly it was, but it sure seemed worse than all the therapy I had had before. Maybe just because it is the first day and it's been a while since I've felt this way. I am feeling better now than I did earlier. I've been sleeping since I got home basically.

On other news, my coworkers have all been great to me. I know many of the people who read this are my relatives in Florida. I'm sure they would all love for me to be back there for all of this but sadly that is not the reality of things. I don't really have any friends in Maryland, so to speak (and neither does Emily) so it does make things more difficult. My coworkers have been wonderful throughout this though and would consider them to be my closest network of friends up here. They came to visit me when I was in the hospital and that was very nice. They got Emily and I dinners when the surgery rolled around to make things easier. They have all been very eager to help in any way possible. Well yesterday Todd me by my house and gave me a present which was purchased from a pool of money they raised. They bought me a "netbook" which is essentially a smaller and lightweight version of a laptop so that I can use it while in bed or at the hospital or whatever. It's a very generous gift and I wasn't expecting it (though there was some vague talk about it while I was in the hospital, I certainly didn't think I would be getting a brand new laptop ever!) I am typing this post on the netbook now. My only complaint is that they have put the right shift key in a stupid stop and I am continually hitting the up arrow instead which is becoming extremely annoying. I am sure I will get used to it eventually. But anyway they have been great and if any of them are reading this I just want to say thank you for all your positive thoughts and actions!


  1. I hope you can download some neat stuff onto your netbook to keep you entertained for your treatments!

    If you are bored you are welcome to call or chat.

  2. Dear Ryan,

    You said you and Emily did not have any friends up there, but I hope you now know that is not true. There are many people who obviously care about you and want to help. That is what a friend is. You and Emily are very private people, but that has not stopped others from seeing how special you both are. Even though you may not have sought friendships, they found you anyway. I can’t tell you how much it helps me to know that there is a network of support for the two of you. I’m sure Emily’s fellow employees are concerned about her. She is too sweet not to have people love her and want to help.

    I’m sorry the first day of chemo was rough. As you know, every treatment has different side effects. Unless this treatment is the same as your last, you really can’t compare them. This will be a whole new “adventure”. I know you are home today, so rest as much as you can, but please let us all know how Day 2 is going; just a few lines. It doesn’t have to be much. This blog should not be a burden, so it’s fine to keep things short and sweet. Let us do the rambling.

    I hope Emily liked the stable she visited Sunday. You two don’t need to be dealing with another problem. Addy is a lucky horse. Emily is such a good mother to her baby. She is a very nurturing person. I saw that when I was there during your surgery. As I have said before, I am so happy she came into your life. Give her my love. She is very special to me. As always, I love you.


  3. Hey Ryan,
    What a WONDERFUL gift!!!! I'm sure you are enjoying your new "toy"!
    I hope you have a good day today.........
    I will be thinking about you and Emily all day.
    You're Mom is right about your MD do have a great deal of support. Take good care of yourself..........Love you!!!! Jill

  4. Wow ... these co-workers certainly are the closest thing you have to family. What a beautiful thing. They knew just what you would like (and need). Karen was right-on about her perception of people caring for special people like you two.

    So you didn't like your poison, eh? Let's see how day 2 goes. You'll still be 'connected' to a pump from what I remember. You are very good at offering the details ... we just have to pay attention. I really hang on to the words you report to us. And I really rejoice when I find you a little better. Keep on typing when you find the energy, Ryan. I love you both and I can hardly wait to see you and Emily next week.
    Love, Laurie

  5. Ok, so that wasn't quite what I had in mind for you first go at chemo. But I still have positive thoughts! I just have to think of what Armstrong said... Every time he threw up or had pain peeing or diarrhea or any of the other joys you have to look forward to, he just thought of all of it as the different ways cancer was leaving his body. So maybe you just threw up & out a bit of that cancer??? Okay, well, it may be a bit premature for that to be happening, but it helps me to think of it that way:)

    That was so ridiculously cool of your coworkers. I would think a notebook would really help pass all that monotonous time in bed. Now you can put music on it, some favorite episodes of Monty Python, anything that will help be a distraction when you just don't feel like getting out of bed but are bored of... Well, sleeping & staring at the wall & giving Tucker the evil eye.

    Love ya, best thoughts that NEXT time will be better:)
