Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hi everybody!

This week wasn't too bad considering it was a chemo week. I felt pretty good by Wednesday actually. I had an appointment with Dr. Fenig (urologist) regarding the stent. He might be changing it out in May but is going to coordinate it with Dr. Kasamon. Later that day I did a little yard work. Then I realized I overdid it and was totally wiped out. I did manage to get into work for 4 hours on Thursday and 5 on Friday and felt better as each day went on.

Emily and I went out and did a bunch of stuff today. We bought a Tucker-proof trash can (has a lid) so that he can't knock it over every night and shred all of its contents over the floor. Then we went to AAA and finally picked up a bunch of maps for the surrounding area. Now hopefully when we find ourselves in some strange area around Baltimore we can actually find a way out. Then we went to REI. It wasn't a terribly eventful trip, didn't find anything spectacular. I did buy a new bike helmet though. Hopefully someday I'll be able to use it again. Then we went to Cromwell Valley Park which we had never been to before. It was alright, but it's still basically winter here and there were no leaves. I like Patapsco more. I have not felt very good all day nonetheless. I hoping going out and doing stuff would change that, but it didn't. So now I'm just resting.

I see everyone (well, at least everyone I know from Florida!) is very encouraging in my homesick thoughts of moving back. Emily and I will certainly be up here for another few years I would imagine. We both feel silly in wanting to move back to Florida, just because it's familiar to us. It seems like you ought to be able to move somewhere and have a new life too. We've found lots of neat places in Maryland that we like too, which we'd probably miss if we moved away. I'm certainly no fan of cold weather though. If I ever move anywhere else, it's not going to be any colder than Maryland that's for sure. I personally enjoy my job a lot as well and am pretty sure I wouldn't get the same sort of job satisfaction doing something else. But then again there is more to life than that! Seeing as how my entire extended family, sans father-in-law (who we still have to go visit in Kentucky), lives in Florida though.... that's very nice. It seems especially so when you're sick and laying in bed at home after having come back from there. I suppose Emily and I are still pretty young so there's plenty of time for us to make more life-altering decisions. Plus our house has to gain quite a bit in value again before we could abandon it anyway ;) Damned economy! Anyway, those are my thoughts on moving. I appreciate all of the encouragement to move back, but I think we'll have to settle for visits for now. Hopefully more often than once a year and not only when something bad happens.


  1. Hey Ryan,
    You sound much better this week...... Seems like visiting in Fl. gave you a good jumpstart for spring!!!!
    It's only natural that you would be "homesick" for Fl., (not feeling your best only heightens the feeling), but MD. is your home for the moment and you do love what you're doing up there jobwise and that's important too!
    There's so much beauty up there to the weather begins to get warmer and you are able to get out more and enjoy the area.....things will brighten up. Hey!!!! You've got Trader Joes!!!!!! How cool is that place!!!! And NOTHING can touch the Amish Market......THE place I MISS.
    Anyway, I miss you guys terribly, and am sooooo looking forward to my trip up there. Stay strong and upbeat, you're sounding GREAT......
    Hope the "can" was good enough to keep clever Tucker out......
    Love to both of you....Jill-Mom XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  2. Hey Guys,
    LOVE the photos!!!! Thank YOU!!!! Love, ME

  3. Glad to hear you've been able to get out a bit more, even if it does leave you tired. And Jill has a great point, once the weather warms up & you are on the mend, you can enjoy Maryland again! I still dream about Patapsco, that was absolutely FABULOUS!

    As far as moving, I don't expect you back any time soon, but I'm sure going to encourage you to be closer any chance I get!

    Forget Trader Joe's.... God, you have no idea how jealous I am that you have REI.......

  4. Dear Ryan,

    I'm glad to hear last week went better than the first week of chemo. At least you got in sometime in at work. I know you enjoy what you do, whatever that is. Your colleagues seem very supportive as well, and it is good for you to be around them during this time. It adds some normalcy to your life.

    So Tucker is now a garbage cat? That's a new one. He wasn't doing that before, was he? Must be a bad habit he picked up while you were on vacation.

    As far as moving back to Florida goes, you know I would love to have both of you closer. I understand that Maryland is now home, but like you said, and your father often quoted, "You never know." There is still merry olde England in your plans as well. Enjoy now, no matter where you are. I love you.


  5. I bet you Tucker finds a way in that trash can. Cats are the smartest.
    Sounds like things are going OK with the exception of over doing it sometimes. I would most likely do the same. I find it hard to slow things down no matter what.
    Home is where you make it and homesick is a whole other thing. I think it is more just missing family and friends. I guess Candice and I know a little bit about it after travelling around the world for 26 years before we finally returned to Florida to make it our permanent home. I did so miss Florida, but mostly I missed the closeness to family. It is very hard to be so far away sometimes, but there is sooooo much to see out there. We were afforded the opportunity to see it and we took that opportunity and to date never regret it. We met so many new life long Friends and they were and still are considered part of our Family.
    You and Emily should take all and every opportunity that comes your way to also experience all walks of life. Family was always just an email, phone call, plane flight, road trip or deep thought away.
    Hope this week goes well for you.

  6. When Perry and I moved away from St. Augustine, it took us two years to not miss it every day. By that time, we had friends that were our family away from home and Gainesville grew to be a part of us that we will never forget.
    I can't wait to meet Tucker. It sounds like he keeps you on your toes.
