Sunday, March 8, 2009


I've decided to wait until Monday to address my GU issue. Dr. Kasamon rightly suggested that it would be good to have a urinalysis prior to starting antibiotics again, just to be sure what ground state was. Since I am going to his office tomorrow anyway for blood work, I believe he's also going to have a urine sample and I think he is going to give me a prescription for cipro to relieve the symptoms. I explained that this was a tricky week because I am planning on going to Florida so hopefully it all works out. I am cautiously optimistic that my travel plans will not be derailed.

I'm not sleeping very well at all lately. Hard to explain why. Obviously I just don't feel well. I have been trying not to take the 20mg Oxycontin anymore, which could have something to do with it as well. I have been taking the immediate release capsules in 5mg doses (including through the day now) so I'm not sure my goal of not using narcotics is really having any effect. I don't think there's a reason for it, but the immediate release stuff, when I take it right before bedtime, gives me crazy dreams (well, it gives me dreams at all... which I don't like because normally I don't seem to dream and I'm used to that). That didn't happen with the Oxycontin I think.

Emily and I just got back from a lengthy walk (about 1.6 miles according to Google) which is easily the most exercise I've had in a while. We brought some stale bread and fed some cute ducks and some bossy geese. It was fun. This is probably the nicest or second nicest day we've had here in the last 5 months or so. If it were sunnier (it's been overcast) it would certainly be the best. Yesterday was very nice too.

I need to actually get to work this week for at least a day. I certainly wasn't "planning" to take all of last week off. I have to get in and submit some paperwork for what is essentially disability leave, since I'm going to need it a bit earlier than I had hoped. I think by the end of this week I'll have spent all of my sick and vacation time. Sucks. Oh well, getting sucks too I suppose. I'm just glad my employer is so extremely flexible and accommodating to those with problems like mine.

Also in a completely unrelated note I never got any email or snail mail from REI regarding my dividend money from last year, which should be a fairly substantial amount I think. I need to call and see if there has been some snafu and get that sorted out. I need to spend more money on outdoors stuff that I can look at expectantly!

I'm very tired right now. Maybe I'll try to eat something, maybe watch some mindless TV (Top Gear! ... by the way Mom, Top Gear S12E01 means the 12th season episode 1 of Top Gear, a show about cars that airs on BBC2 in the UK -- we download it and watch it, the presenters and content are highly entertaining). I've also had watching all of Babylon 5 on my hitlist for quite some time. I own the first season on DVD and have never watched all of it! Maybe now I'll have enough time and lack of desire to do anything else to veg out for that long of time.


  1. Hey Ryan,
    Talked to Emily and you guys DID have a nice weekend. I put my 2cents in about where to put Addy. Sounds like a great place, and I love the fact that they do theraputic riding. it is a wonderful thing to get involved with.
    I wish you the BEST of Mon. and days after.
    Love you, Me Way to go on your walk!!!!

  2. You're been so good at keeping up with this, Ryan! I am shocked! Just when I think of something to write you have another post up that makes my previous thoughts fairly inconsequential. So I'm typing now with no real idea what I'm going to say, it's just been too long since I posted.

    I am sooooooo happy to hear you have been able to get out & walk. I am such a strong proponent of the idea that physical activity is imperative to not only physical but mental well being. Movement should help your bowels work, too! Hopefully (b/c I am firmly believing that you will feel well enough to come) the weather here will continue in the beautiful fashion it's fallowed recently so you can enjoy some nice walks in the woods:)

    Like everybody else has said, I'm glad that you are both being active in pursuing what medical care you think you need. If you don't voice the problem, no one's going to know or pay attention. I am terribly tempted to make a pun about your health/poo "running smoothly" soon, but I can't think of any such puns that haven't been used yet, so I digress:) I know your many health "funks" can't be helping your sleep, but I bet the large amount of sleep you've been getting + the lack of being able to do anything physical is also making it difficult. I would like to think that walking may help "ware you out" in a healthy sense, rather than a UTI/chemo sense.

    Oh! Figure out the REI money! I can't wait to spend some more money with them myself! I am still eagerly awaiting when you are all better & we can all go on some hiking adventure together!!!!

    Ok, I've blabbed on long enough. Love ya, lots of healthy pee & poo thoughts going your way! And get that damn stent out:(!


  3. Dear Ryan,

    You've been a busy little blogger this weekend. I was busy too. I was trying to get boxes unpacked, pictures hung, books and knick-knacks back on the shelves. It's amazing how motivated I get when company is coming. I want the house to look as "complete" as possible. I'm pleased with the result of my efforts.

    Mom had a good suggestion about sleeping arrangements. You and Emily will be in my room, where you will have the privacy of your own bathroom. I don't know why I didn't think of that. Candice will not be joining us for the family reunion. She will be missed. Everyone else will be there. I plan on having Holly do a family portrait. Laurie's bringing her camcorder, so the whole insanity will be captured for posterity.

    I hope the senna is working. If not, then I'm sure you've switched to the other medication. The walk was a great idea. Good for body and soul. I am so glad you had a day you actually enjoyed. There have been so few of them, for so long.

    I’m thinking positive thoughts about you and Emily coming. It will happen. I hope Dr. Kasamon gives you some answers you want to hear. As I told you Friday night, I don’t understand why your doctors failed to mention the need to take the laxatives everyday with the oxycodine. They seem to lack sympathy or concern for your needs. You need to feel they are doing everything possible. Their decisions are literally life and death. I’m not very happy with them right now. I know you are fed up as well. I said I would be positive, and here I am bitching. Sorry. I guess I'll start getting ready for my students. FCAT starts this week. As always, I love you.


  4. I got my REI dividend statement, and you get a 20% off coupon... you should be on the horn if yours doesn't show up soon!
