Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'm still around.

It's been a week since my last post. Several times this week I have thought that I should write something but just never got around to it.

It has been a largely normal week. I worked a decent amount, including my first full 8 hour day in god knows how long. I had a couple of doctor's appointments and those went just fine too. I had a little stitch that poked through my skin around the port which I had to see Dr. Somerville about. I guess it was supposed to dissolve but because of its orientation it didn't. Anyway it only took him about 45 seconds to yank it out or do whatever it was he did (I couldn't see him while he was doing it).

My third round of chemotherapy is on Monday. It will be a blast, I'm sure. I think my hair is actually starting to come out now. I want to go somewhere and have them cut it and donate it to Locks of Life or whatever that charity is called, but will I actually take the time to do it? Who knows. I better do it soon though! I always said I wasn't attached to it (my hair), but truth be told now that I have to get rid of it I think I am more attached than I thought. I guess I've had it for nearly 4 years now and haven't had it cut.

Anyway it's supposed to be a crappy weekend, really rainy. I wanted to do some work outside but that's not going to happen. Maybe we'll make a trtip to Lowe's anyway and buy some stuff. The Baltimore Hamfest is this weekend too and I think we are going to go as soon as I finish writing this and take a shower. Hopefully it will be mildly entertaining.

So anyway, not too much to say. It was a normal week which is a good thing in my book.


  1. Well it's good to see a new blog up here and what a normal week it was. Normal is the best you can hope for at this stage of the game. Hell I look forward to normal weeks myself and there is nothing wrong with me.
    It is also great you are back at work. This too will be theraputic for you.
    So you got to let that hair go once again. It will grow back and just think of the person or persons that will benefit from your hair. Sorry it has to go, but it will go all on it own anyway. You do have great hair and I didn't realize how long it actually was till I saw you once again.
    Round 3 coming up. Hope it is an easy round (sounds like a prize fight). Wish it were a prize fight. Those rounds only last 3 minutes. Good luck with next weeks treatment. I am positive it is working and you expressed less pain in the abdomen and other areas (that is a good sign).
    Have fun at the Hamfest and of course Lowes (my favorite place). I can always find stuff to but there needed or not.
    Hope this whole next week is a normal one for you.
    We love you and continue our high energy positive thoughts for you.

    John and Candice

  2. Hey Ryan,
    So good to see how well you are doing...........Locks of Love is the name of the charity..Ariana had her hair cut and donated last summer.
    Some lucky someone would love to have your hair.........and lucky YOU will get to wear a new beanie!!!! YEAH!!!!!!
    Hope this next round goes well; hopefully you will feel good enough to put some work in, which I feel is VERY good for you.
    Have a great weekend, (Emily is SO looking forward to the Hamfest!) :) Hopefully Addy will get to her new home soon!!!!!
    Love to you both Jill-Mom xxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooo

  3. I wish you comfort and luck on your next round of chemo, Ryan. The hair issue reminds me of a story from Jacques's past. When his brother went into the Army during the Vietnam War Jacques refused to cut his hair until he returned to the states. Now back then, he had a lot of hair. It was very curly and poofy like an 'afro'. It was a statement he made by showing his head of hair to the world. Have you grown your beard and hair for a certain statement to show the world? Just curiousity.

    Love, Laurie
    P.S. Lowes was very crowded yesterday with the oncoming Spring weather and beautiful flowers. I bought my first tomato plant ... wish me luck cause I DO NOT have a green thumb.

  4. Hi Ryan,
    Carolina's hair was below her waist and one good day she got up and decided to cut it and gave it to locks of love, it is a caring charity; We'r glad you took that route.
    love you.
